Posted by : MOH. LUKMAN SHOLEH Monday, 4 November 2013

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

      Bang sholeh sedikit berbagi tentang crack windows 8 ( 100% ampuh )
langsung aja gan,kalian download crack windows 8 permanen.

  1. instal windows 8 nya dulu,pada saat menginstal bahasa jangan dirubah ke bahasa indonesia,biarkan tetap bahasa inggris
  2. setelah menginstal,aktifkan aktivatornya 
  3. kemudian pilih windows 8 
  4. langsung klik Y/X.. 
  5. pilih Y untuk mengaktifkanya 
  6. selesai


  1. install windows 8, its first, at the time of installing the language should not be changed to Indonesian, let's keep it english
  2. after install, activate aktivatornya
  3. then select Windows 8
  4. right click Y / X..
  5. select Y for activate
  6. completed

mudah kan?

Windows 8 Permanent Activator


First see the screenshots .

This is a torrent file . You must install torrent client on your computer .
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After download it follow these instructions ,

1. Run as administrator , right click on the .exe - click on Run As ...

2. Click on INSTALL / UNINSTALL windows 8 When command prompt opens and askes to pree y / n jus press Y and that's all it. will activate it by itself(it should say activation sucssesful ok and ok again and then on command pronpt it will say that it will restart . so let it reastart by itself .


Babai babai,,...........

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